Monday, 17 October 2011

10 Day You Challenge

There will be no use giving excuses or explaining the absence inspite of claiming otherwise in my earlier posts, so I will get straight to the point and once again mention that this time I will be writing regularly. What is so different about this claim when compared to the earlier ones? This time I have a bunch of friends to motivate me, some of whom I havent met at all but we share a liking for writing.

As an engineer I have noticed that I work better with deadlines. I dont know if this is something general applicable to all engineers or if its just me but somehow when I have been given an 'assignment' and told to complete it by a certain time, I really get working! So I thought of giving myself a project to do and just so that I dont take it lightly, I am setting a deadline as well!

This challenge has been doing the rounds of the blogosphere and I thought why not? So here am I writing about myself using the guidelines provided in this challenge. It is pretty straight forward and clear in the the above image. Everyday I have to write about a topic, giving my list of the specific subject. Now I dont want to send this blog into a shock by writing everyday as opposed to just 'opening' it once a month, so I have decided to have a gap between the posts. I will be posting every Sunday.

My first post for this series will be published on Sunday, the 23rd.

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