Tuesday, 3 April 2012

I have the Power!

The Writing Circle is all about having super powers this month! The topic that we are writing about is - 'Given a choice, the Power or sixth sense, I would like to have.'

Although I chose this topic, I was very apprehensive since it sounds very cheesy and straight out of a Beauty Pageant. But then, come to think of it, we all have at some point thought that it would be so good if certain things were under our control. We could have faced this moment at any point in our lives - waiting for that crucial train/bus/flight which seems to have been delayed on purpose, losing out on winning anything by just a hair's breadth and especially when things are not working out for us and we need them to just fall in place. I have experienced this so many times in seemingly small things - cooking Malai Kofta and letting it simmer for 5 minutes longer led it to stick to the bottom of the pan and there I was, wishing that I could go back in time and switch off the gas!

But to come back to the one thing I would like to be able to do, I am quite clear on what I want, although there is one another thing which I will mention later. I  would want the power to know what others are thinking, I want to be able to read every one's mind just by looking at them! The need for such a 'sixth sense' for me, might have stemmed up from the fact that I am particularly affected by what others are making of my actions or words. I say something & then keep wondering if the other person actually understood what I really meant by that or whether I offended some one unknowingly.

Imagine how lovely it would be if we all had such a power. It will be so easy to just clear up any misunderstanding brewing in a person's mind because you know how they are thinking. There will of course be other complications. There wont be any diplomatic talks/discussions, no need for elaborate gadgets to detect lies, salary negotiations would take a completely different form and of course there will be no poker! It will be very easy to call some one's bluff and so every one will be forced to be honest & truthful. No so bad, if you think about it.

The other thing I wanted to mention here is the power of one's will. Now we have all read about accounts from people in adverse conditions who overcame their difficulties due to their will power. But is it possible to control the happenings in your life through your will power? Can  will power really make something happen or prevent something from happening? If there is any possibility, I would like to have that power too!


Horizon said...

Hmmm, I really would not want to read other's mind. I will not go into the other complications like diplomatic talks etc but even on a day-to-day basis what good would reading someone else's mind do.
If they have negative thoughts about you then taill you get the courage to talk to them it will always be at the back of your mind and make you restless. One of my friends point was that she wanted to read others mind because she did not want to waste efforts in building friendship if there was a barrier from the other side, but isin't that effort makes the relation valuable? more like a debate topic :)

Well written though!

Deepa Duraisamy said...

Heavy! A little similarity to what Swapna wrote too! Have you watched Mel Gibson's movie What Women want! :) Be careful what you wish for! :)

Totally agree on the thoughts around the will power. I also wonder if its really possible to control the happenings in one's life through will power?